Introducing the Holocron Project
Holocron is a forward-thinking project that brings advanced deep learning techniques into the realm of computer vision. Designed with ease of integration in mind, it seamlessly connects with popular frameworks like PyTorch, providing a comprehensive suite of tools for developers.
What is Holocron?
In a nod to the fascinating Star Wars universe, a "Holocron" is a data storage device used by the Jedi and Sith. True to its namesake, the Holocron project acts as a repository of valuable information and tools in the field of computer vision, making it a vital resource for those looking to implement cutting-edge solutions in image recognition, object detection, and semantic segmentation.
Quick Tour
Holocron aims to deliver not just quality implementations but also the flexibility developers need while ensuring compatibility with the PyTorch ecosystem. To get a taste of what Holocron offers, here’s an example of using one of its models, repvgg_a0, for image classification:
from PIL import Image
from torchvision.transforms import Compose, ConvertImageDtype, Normalize, PILToTensor, Resize
from holocron.models.classification import repvgg_a0
# Load your model
model = repvgg_a0(pretrained=True).eval()
# Read your image
img ="RGB")
# Preprocessing
config = model.default_cfg
transform = Compose([
Resize(config['input_shape'][1:], interpolation=InterpolationMode.BILINEAR),
Normalize(config['mean'], config['std'])
input_tensor = transform(img).unsqueeze(0)
# Inference
with torch.inference_mode():
output = model(input_tensor)
print(config['classes'][output.squeeze(0).argmax().item()], output.squeeze(0).softmax(dim=0).max())
To bring Holocron into your development environment, you'll need Python 3.8 or above along with pip or conda. You can easily install it with pip using the command:
pip install pylocron
Alternatively, conda users can type:
conda install -c frgfm pylocron
For developers interested in the latest features, Holocron can also be installed directly from its source on GitHub.
Key Features and Models
Holocron is equipped with a variety of advanced layers, loss functions, convolutional techniques, and more, supporting a broad range of computer vision tasks. Key features include unique layers for activations, convolutions, regularizations, and attention mechanisms. The project also hosts models for image classification like Res2Net, Darknet, ResNet, and more. Object detection and segmentation models, such as YOLO and U-Net variants, are also part of its extensive catalog.
Latency Benchmark
To ensure state-of-the-art performance is matched with practical usability, Holocron provides benchmarks for latency across different devices. This helps developers assess whether their selected models meet the required performance characteristics.
Additional Resources
Holocron offers a range of supplementary resources including full documentation for further details. Additionally, there is a demo app available using Gradio, which showcases the capability of Holocron models in action. Developers can test the models live on Hugging Face Spaces and use reference scripts to train models on well-known datasets.
Contribution and Citation
Holocron welcomes contributions to continuously enhance its offerings. To cite Holocron in your work, a ready-to-use BibTeX reference is provided.
In conclusion, Holocron stands out as a versatile and robust toolkit for anyone looking to explore and implement sophisticated computer vision solutions. Whether you're a researcher or developer, Holocron is designed to support and elevate your projects.